Bloody stools, think VTEC rules!
Acute bloody diarrhoea usually infective –
- Shigella/salmonella (non typhoid strains)
- Campylobacter
- E coli (some, eg EHEC)
Usually worse abdominal pain than usually seen in gastroenteritis, can also be high fever. If severe, shigella/campylobacter can be treated with antibiotics.
If chronic, consider
- constipation (stools might be soft but would expect them then to be massive)
- cow’s milk protein allergy in babies (even breast fed only)
- rectal polyp
Some serious causes:
- VTEC/STEC eg E coli O157 (causing haemolytic uraemic syndrome)
- Intussusception
- Acute colitis (ie ulcerative colitis, whether diagnosed or not)