
Children are small adults, when it comes to trauma!

Mortality jumps when airway management instituted more than 45 mins after 999 call. (NICE) Mortality actually rare with isolated head (7%) and abdominal (20%) trauma. But jumps to 50% for multiple sites.

Beware head impact apnoea.

Collars not required as part of immobilisation in children. Cx spine trauma v rare. Manual in line stabilisation best if necessary. Extrication maybe?

Triage tool highlights who needs to go to trauma centre eg mangled limbs, penetrating or open trauma, mechanisms eg ejection from vehicle.  But always clinical judgement.

If “hot critical” then decide on transfer to tertiary centre within 8 minutes. Airway, catastrophic haemorrhage and move.

C-ABC is catastrophic haemorrhage first.

Access above and below diaphragm if possible. Blood first line if bleeding. 10ml/kg aliquots. 1:1:1 packed cells, FFP and platelets as able.

Tranexamic acid dose 15ml/kg (same as paracetamol!). See major haemorrhage protocol. No role for permissive hypotension in children.

Avoid over resuscitation with crystalloid.

Pelvic binder problematic if moves. Fixes greater trochanters and public symphysis.

AVPU – but specify pain response!

Head injury: 3% saline preferred. Aim for high MAP, with inotropes if necessary. GGC has guideline. Adrenaline preferred.

Agitated kid – persevere with getting them into scanner without anaesthetic! In Wishaw, induction best in theatre but would then need to go in lift!  Limited expertise with waking them up! Discuss with Scotstar, maybe move, maybe tube.

Log roll 90% out, 20% in? Conrad 2012

Traumatic cardiac arrest: in adults, evidence for aggressive treatment of reversible causes. Consensus is for bundle of simultaneous interventions (not all necessary for every case), prioritised ahead of CPR!

  • Haemorrhage control
  • ETT or equivalent
  • Bilat finger thoracostomies
  • Rapid volume replacement with warmed blood NOT thoracotomy or inotropes. Persistent low ETCO2 is poor prognostic sign.

Even if death declared out of hospital, should be admitted for after care.

NAI audit – 5.2% rate of suspected child abuse. 75% under 1 yr. Often major trauma, often severe brain injury.

Major Incident

Workload should be spread out. Over 12 should go to adults (unless lots of adults too). Walking wounded to non trauma centres. Try not to separate children from injured parents – who worst affected?

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