Condition seen in context of SARS-Cov2 infection, with similarities to Kawasaki syndrome.
Neutrophilia (most), lymphopenia, single or multiorgan dysfunction. Possibly Kawasaki criteria. Exclude other infectious cause including shock syndromes and myocarditis (but don’t delay seeking advice).
Abnormal fibrinogen, d-dimer, ferritin, hypoalbuminaemia. Other features eg coagulopathy variable.
PCR for SARS-Cov2 often negative, but antibody positive.
WHO refer to PIMS-TS as Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), case definition is similar but requires at least 3 days of fever and either evidence of COVID-19 on PCR or serology or a likely contact with COVID-19.
In England, PICU admission related to age 15-17yrs, female, black/Asian. Length of PICU stay generally short, some require ECMO, majority survive. [Ward, MedRxIv 2021]