Early onset primary immunodeficiency, characterised by eczema, viral skin infections, eosinophilia.
Later allergy, autoimmunity and malignancy.
Early onset primary immunodeficiency, characterised by eczema, viral skin infections, eosinophilia.
Later allergy, autoimmunity and malignancy.
Neural crest tumours – cells that migrate to form sympathetic chain, including adrenal glands.
Usually young children, usually already metastases at presentation – that’s because mostly vague symptoms until an abdominal mass or lymphadenopathy obvious.
Several eye related symptoms possible –
Catecholamines are a marker but only rarely do you get symptoms eg hypertension, sweating, diarrhoea.
Bone pain and fever are not uncommon. Otherwise depends were the mass effects are eg obstructive jaundice, dysphagia.
GD-2 marker. Catecholamines as above.
MRI full body else MIBG scintigraphy.
“Metastatic special” risk category – under 18 months, only skin, liver, marrow. Resolve spontaneously even when extensive!
Screening programmes in Germany and US doubled pick up rate but no change in mortality… Probably because detected more of these Metastatic special cases.
January 2022 – safety alert from MHRA/CMO regarding deaths where there was a delay in providing emergency transfusion.
Should be agreed criteria for rapid concessionary release of blood products.
One issue is Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, where the presence of red cell antibodies will complicate cross matching (11% mortality!).
Another issue highlighted is failure to give Prothrombin complex concentrate to reverse warfarin (and some other anticoagulants) where severe or limb/sight threatening bleeding.
=elastase defect.
Regular pattern of fever (periodic), approximately three-weekly, perhaps associated with malaise, periodontitis, aphthous ulceration, impetigo, sore throat and enlarged lymph glands.
But by the time the child presents, the neutrophil count may have returned to normal (although unlikely to be high).
Check FBC twice weekly for 4-6 weeks to demonstrate the fluctuation of the neutrophil (and monocyte) count.
Important not to miss, as children can develop severe bacterial sepsis while neutropaenic (mortality rate of up to 10%).
Need antimicrobial prophylaxis, and possibly GCSF.
Differential is PFAPA (periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, adenitis)
or Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome, which is a much less suggestive name, and not only a partially correct description!
But also
Typically in young children, under 3. About half will have neuroblastoma. The rest assumed to be autoimmune.
=Asymmetric overgrowth of one limb, or one side of the body, or just one side of the face.
Can be associated asymmetric overgrowth of internal organs.
Can be an isolated finding (of unknown cause) or associated with syndromes such as Beckwith-Wiedmann, Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber, or McCune-Albright syndromes.
Essentially a cosmetic problem. But increased risk of tumours, including Wilm’s tumour, adrenal cell carcinoma, hepatoblastoma and small bowel sarcoma.
Risk of tumour development in isolated hemihyperplasia is about 1 in 20 or approximately 5%. Given that oldest reported case was 6yrs and shortest interval between tumour presentation and ultrasound was 5 months, suggested hat till age of 6 years these children should have abdominal ultrasound scans at three monthly intervals.
Extrinsic pathway triggered by tissue factor on cells outside blood vessels.
Intrinsic pathway triggered by subendothelial surfaces activating factor XII, then XI, then IX. IX and VIII combination with calcium and platelet membrane phospholipids activates X.
Common pathway then continues, with X combining with V, platelet membrane phospholipids and calcium to convert prothrombin to thrombin.
Thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin, to form thrombus. Factor XIII stabilises clot.
Autosomal recessive condition characterized by severe hypoplasia or aplasia of the bone marrow (so anaemia, low white cells and thrombocytopenia). Clue is congenital hand defect, but lower limb, head/eye/ear/genital abnormalities also common.
Majority also have cafe au lait spots.
It is possible to diagnose Fanconi anemia before bone marrow failure occurs, with potential to find bone marrow match.
Diagnosis is by Chromosomal breakage studies.
Autosomal recessive genetic disorder caused by a single nucleotide mutation of the haemoglobin ß-unit, from glutamic acid to valine. The resulting mutant haemoglobin S (HbS) is prone to distortion in cooler or hypoxic conditions, turning into a sickle shape. This damages the erythrocyte causing haemolysis.
The gene is more common among Africans and is occasionally seen in races from the Middle East and South Asia. Its existence is due to protection from malaria seen in sickle cell trait (the heterozygote form), due to shortened red cell lifespan.
You can of course get combinations of sickle cell with other genetic haemoglobin disorders.
Triggers for sickling include cold environment, acidosis, hypoxia and hyperviscosity eg dehydration. Blood flow in capillaries is impaired by the damaged red cells, which leads to a vicious cycle of increased tissue acidosis and hypoxia. Infarction may occur.
Can be diagnosed even in newborns by hemoglobin electrophoresis.
Screening programmes exist in some countries, so that prophylactic oral penicillin can get started early, preventing sepsis.
Presents in infancy or early childhood. The neonate with its high proportion of Haemoglobin F does not get symptoms until there is enough abnormal haemoglobin A produced for red cells to start to sickle.
Pain can be widespread, but particularly involves bones, the spine, the chest.
Can mimic pneumonia, with unilateral or bilateral signs of consolidation, pleuritic pain, and hypoxia. Pain is in chest wall, thoracic spine and upper abdomen. Leads to hypoventilation, causing vicious cycle of atelectasis and subsequently worse sickling. High mortality, so low threshold of suspicion.
Usually secondary to Erythrovirus B19 (formerly known as parvovirus B19) infection, which can trigger transient bone marrow arrest. So sudden drop in haemoglobin with an absence of reticulocytes. Classic “slapped cheek” appearance may never become apparent. Can affect multiple members of a family simultaneously. Differential is spleen sequestration.
Manifest as anorexia, abdominal pain, distension. Usually not diarrhoea or vomiting. Usually not rebound. Bowel sounds usually quiet.
Typically affects middle cerebral artery territory but may affect any region of the brain; may be transient or permanent. Seizures may occur. Predictive factors are:
Differential is meningitis, subarachnoid haemorrhage (associated with multiple intracranial aneurysms).
Although anaemia is common in SCD, repeated transfusions lead to the possible complications of:
Hence top up transfusion is only used for acute symptomatic anaemia eg cardiac failure, severe sequestration or pre-operatively. Do not transfuse above Hb 11g/dl. Regular transfusions have a prophylactic role – see on-going treatment below.
Hyperhaemolysis is a life threatening complication of red cell transfusion in sickle cell disease. Can be acute (within 7 days of transfusion) or delayed. Affects not just transfused but autologous cells so Hb can drop below previous level. Fever, haemogobinuria as usual; negative DAT, reticulocytopenia seen (cf parvo). Cover subsequent transfusion with IVIG and steroids; use erythropoietin to maintain. For elective surgery, prophylactic postop CPAP has been used without transfusion. Risk factors poorly defined.
Undertaken to rapidly reduce the percentage of sickle cells in the circulation where life-threatening eg severe chest syndrome, stroke, multi-organ failure. The aim is to reduce %HbS to <20%. Complications are common eg fluid overload, transfusion reaction.
Consider for:
Iron overload can be monitored by means of Ferritin levels. Chelation therapy should commence at ferritin levels of 1000mcg/l, with desferrioxamine (desferal) the chelator of choice. Treatment should include vitamin C. Ophthalmological, audiological and cardiological review is necessary.
Like many things, low red cell count can be problem of production, loss or destruction.
So causes include:
In children, one of the most common causes is excessive milk consumption, which appears to lead to a low level colitis. Pica is often the presenting problem.
Iron is found in red meat, pulses, green leafy vegetables, wholemeal bread, nuts, dried fruit, fortified breakfast cereals.